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Are You Getting Enough of the Sunshine Vitamin?

woman with sun on her face

Exposure to safe amounts of sunlight is a natural, effective way to boost your vitamin D intake.

Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D has made headlines in recent years for its possible health benefits. According to some reports, a deficiency of this vitamin is implicated in numerous serious health conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s and more.

When your vitamin D level is optimised, you may be able to reduce your risk for certain conditions as well as:

  • Improve immune function
  • Build strong bones and teeth
  • Improve Calcium absorption

How Do You Get Sufficient Vitamin D?

According to the Vitamin D Council, exposing your bare skin to sunlight for 15 minutes a day and taking vitamin D supplements are the two primary ways to get the vitamin D your body needs.

Although it’s difficult to get the optimal amount of Vitamin D from your diet, this vitamin can be found in healthy foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and egg yolks; Eating these and other healthy foods will also supply your body with other valuable vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal health.

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